Fast and Easy Butterbeer

Made this for Yule in 2015, and it’s time to do it again! Serves 4. Diet root beer cuts back on the sugar a little, but this is a super sweet dessert no matter how you make it.

  • 4 cups root beer
  • 1/2 cup butterscotch chips, melted
  • 1/2 TBS butter
  • optional: vanilla ice cream

Warm rootbeer in a stockpot. Melt chips in a double boiler, or for 30-second intervals in microwave-safe container. Add butter to melted butterscotch and stir well. Add some rootbeer to melted chips until pourable. Pour the melted chips mix into the warm rootbeer and stir to incorporate. Pour into cups and serve.

Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to complete this dessert.